Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Work with me kid!

The following are a few out of the 50 pictures I took of Philip trying to get a good Christmas card. The other 40 or so were so blurry you couldn't even see it! I could never be a photographer (obviously) and I have a lot of respect for those of you who are! He thought he was pretty cool with the remote :)

Just because he's so cute..... :)

Ooops....Merry Christmas Sam....I mean...Philip? Don't look at the present Mamie :)

Funny, that's how I feel after trying to take all these pictures too :)


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Funny I had the same struggles with my boys! :) We got your finished product in the mail and I love it so good work! :) Besides with a kid that cute how can any of them be bad?

Jen gurl said...

Same story here too! I think I cried after an hour & finally called it quits after an hour & a half!? Your card is very cute & I like the family pic too:) Can't wait to see you guys next week!

Barbara said...

I love the last one! I hope that doesn't make me cruel - but his crying is a priceless pic!

Miss said...

those are HILARIOUS!! =)

I would MUCH rather take pictures of other peoples kids than my own! =) The trick is to have no time limit (or like an HOUR) and let them run around and take pictures of them on the move. =)

Love the little gold tree! will you post pictures of your place? I love when you blog more! =)

Erin C said...

He is so cute! They never do waht you want them too! Love the pics, bet you were both ready for a nap by the time it was over!

Mamie said...

Love those pictures.

momof3 said...

Just because I'm me, I have to ask...Is that seriously your Christmas tree? I have a few in my yard if you want a bigger one. hahaha!

I'm sorry Phili, Santa won't be able to put presents under the tree if he can't see where it is:)heehee Love you guys!

Rachel said...

hahahahahahahahaha I love the last one.