Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Glimpse

I'm not very good at staying home. As much as I like it here and appreciate the fact that I'm not working FT anymore, it's been hard to stay home lately. I think a big part of it is that since the accident, we've been down to one car so I can't go anywhere during the day. I am so used to being on the go everyday that to just sit here has been a real challenge. I'm not looking for sympathy, I know that many moms have to work and leave their kids when they don't want to and my heart goes out to them. I told Richie tonight that it's hard not having adults to talk to during the day and he pointed out that I have my blogging friends & family so thank you :)

In the past week, we've had Woody's family, Mamie's family (minus Dan), my mom & Putter & Lindsey come visit us. It has been wonderful having them here. As my mom & Mamie were driving away yesterday I felt my chest start to get heavy & my eyes start to fill with tears. As I came inside I couldn't fight back the tears anymore and I broke down & started bawling. I'm not sure why because I really do like it down here. I've never moved away before so maybe it's all part of the process. I'm not really sure why I'm writing about this but it feels nice to let it out. I know how blessed we are and I really truly do like living here, I just miss you all.


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I completely understand the feeling and I am sorry that you're sad! Call me if you need adult talk sometime! :) I got used to being away but the coming and going of family never got easier but the in-between times of seeing them got to be routine and then it was ok...hope that helps!

Jen gurl said...

I STILL cry when my parents leave!? I get so excited for them to come & when they leave, I feel sad & empty. Sorry, that probably doesn't help or make you feel any better, but just know you are not alone! I'll keep praying that you meet new people & find a great church:)

Miss said...

oh my gosh mary, it TOTALLY makes sense! When I first started staying home (even though I never have REALLY been able to stay was enough to feel the antsies coming on!)I could hardly stand staying in all the time. The trick is to have 4 kids really really close togehter and then you arejust too tired to leave! =) haha
Also, no matter how much you like it, you are still away from your family!!
And, I want to come and see you. AND SOON! I will email...or call

Barbara said...

Mary, I hope you will meet some people tonight if you go to the church service.

I know exactly how you feel!

It is wonderful and hard to love someone (so many in our case) that it hurts to leave them. What if you brought Richie to work one or two days a week so you could have a car???

Amber said...

So sorry to hear about the accident. Your poem is need to post it on your blog :)
I know exactly how you feel to watch your family leave, I still feel that way and it's been 3 years, I don't think it will ever go away. It's a good feeling though knowing that you are loved by them and that they love you just has much!

momof3 said...

We miss you and love you! I'm waiting for you to be done at Simonson's so I can actually come visit you over a weekend. Other wise I get 2 weeks off over Christmas so stock the fridge and pick a day I'm coming over with my kids!!!

Little Wonders said...


Having moved to a new town myself not too long ago :) ... I really understand what you are feeling. Even though there is always something to do around the house, it doesn't feel the same as when you've spent all day at work feeling productive. I'm really glad you and Philip have this time together, though. You're giving such an incredible gift to him, even though he can't appreciate it right now.