Tuesday, February 2, 2010

35 Weeks!

I'm doing pretty good. Wesley has dropped and it is rather uncomfortable but luckily, I don't have much to do so I can just relax until he comes. I can tell I'm getting far along in my pregnancy because when I drop something, I seriously stare at it for a good 30 seconds contemplating if it is worthy enough for me to bend over or if I should just wait until Richie gets home to pick it up. The latter usually wins :)

I am so looking forward to meeting him and just seeing what life with both boys will be like. I'm not really nervous to have a newborn again but I am saddened that it will no longer be just me and Phili. I really don't want him to feel left out at all when Wesley comes. I'm pretty sure he knows that he is my world right now and that is soon to change. As many people have said, "It's going to rock his world" Richie has to work another outage from April-June and he is pretty sure he'll have to work overnights again(72 hrs/wk) which I am trying not to think about but secretly freaking out about.

Phili saw my cousin's baby boy this weekend and he loved him. Ever since then, he's been talking about "His baby friend" and how he played peek-a-boo with him. So cute. (Miss I'm talking about Tad =)

Not much else has been going on. We've made it to the Children's Museum and Zoo recently which was so much fun. My nieces are coming down with my mom tomorrow for a few days and I cannot wait!! We're going to go to the Zoo again while they're here and they get to see Phili at Gymnastics. I need to take pictures of gymnastics because it is so cute and he loves it.


Rachel said...

Girl you look amazing!!!!!

I have no idea when our next baby will come and I already have periods of being sad it won't just me and B anymore! I think that is normal...

I am so sorry about Richie's work week changing :( It is so hard isn't it!? I HATE when Joey has such awful weeks, I can't imagine doing it with a newborn and a 2 year old :(

If you can get yourself here during that time, I'll pamper you!

Miss said...

you look hot hot hot!!

and I love that he loved Tad so much! It was so cute watching him with him =)

Bill went on the road again (3-4 nights a week) when tate was 1 month (so Ella was 17 months) and i did a LOT of praise singing those days =) it helped me stay calm..and them seemed to like it too!

you are amazing...I know you can do it! But, don't be afraid to call in reinforcements! =)

leah @maritalbless said...

You look gorgeous girl!

Randi said...

you look soo pretty Mary!

I'm sure Phili will take a little time to adjust, but it will be just fine.

I am glad you updated.I was wondering how you were doing :)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

you look so good! it was fun to see you last weekend. hey are you missing a pair of sunglasses? i found them here and they aren't mine...