Sunday, January 17, 2010

33 weeks!

I feel like the last few maternity photos of me make me look smaller than I actually I am, so this one will give you a real idea of how big I'm getting :) I can't believe I only have 7 weeks left. I went right at 37 weeks with Phili (induced) but if they would have kept my original due date, I was technically 36 weeks. I hope I don't go that early this time but I can't believe it is getting so close!! By this time last pregnancy I was on full time bed rest so I am very thankful to be feeling good right now. I have cut back on working out as much and am just taking it easy getting the nursery ready. Nesting if you will :)

We got a new car seat tonight for Wesley but somebody thought it was for him......
Aww Phili :) I have been enjoying him so much lately. I don't know if it's his age or the fact that it won't be just the two of us much longer but whatever it is, I am cherishing every moment with him and enjoying him in a way I don't think I ever have. He has such a huge personality and he makes us laugh constantly. He talks to my belly all the time, calling his brother "Wessie". It is so sweet. I can't wait for he two of them to meet :)


Mel said...

Mary your belly is so adorable! So is little Philly...he is so darn cute! I can't believe you're 33 weeks, it's crazy how fast time flies. So exciting!!!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

you look great! i am excited to see you on sat!!