Monday, January 4, 2010

Okay I'm back

30 week picture~ Taken by my cousin Rachel (Brisham Photography). We had so much fun taking pictures in the snow at my aunt's house! She amazes me, she took them in like 10 minutes and had so many neat ideas.
So, I am 31 weeks pregnant now. I can't believe it. Now it feels like it's going fast. Found out that Wesley is going to have a BOY cousin to play with!! I am so excited for Mitch & Abby. They will only be about 2 months apart. So fun. I can't wait to see what he looks like because Philly already looks like a mini-Mitch!

He is still measuring a week ahead. My blood pressure is "gorgeous" according to the Dr :) Which is such a relief because by this time last pregnancy, I was already on partial bed rest. I think full bed rest came around 33 weeks? I feel great. I've gained 27 pounds so far. Not that you probably care but I know I'll be curious some day! I'm still working out. I try to about 5 times a week. I feel so much better when I do. Richie bought me an eliptical for Christmas so that has been really nice to have. The first 10 minutes feels like I'm dying but once I get past that, it feels great!

When I start to get antsy about being done being pregnant, I think about how cold it is outside and I am thankful that he'll be warm inside my tummy for another couple months! Besides, if it's up to Richie, this will be our last baby so I am really trying to enjoy being pregnant this time and not worry about weight and tiredness and all that jazz.

Philly had a really fun Christmas. We went to my parent's house a lot in December for different things. The last time we pulled in the driveway, he said, "We're at mommy's house!" I think he's a little confused ;) Here's a cute picture my brother took of all the kids at Christmas in their jammies from Grandma & Grandpa.


Randi said...

ohh cute!! You are looking oh so adorable Mary. Glad you guys had a nice Christmas.

Mel said...

Mary you look so cute! I can't believe you're already 31 weeks. That is so crazy how fast time goes. Glad you guys had a good Christmas...cute picture of the cousins! :)

Brit said...

i can't believe you are 31 weeks already - and you are so stinkin' cute!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Girl you look great! Excited to see you in a couple weeks at Grandmas.

Erin C said...

Super cute pics, both of them!