Friday, October 9, 2009

So much better

These last 3 days have been wonderful with Philip. I think having him in his own home with daddy here every night has really made a difference. I haven't had to discipline him once in the last 3 days!

He had a high fever the other night that went away so I am wondering if his 2 year molars are coming in. When I asked him where it hurt, he pointed in his mouth.

I have even decided not to have him to go to my mom's and sisters next week. As tempting as it sounds, I think what he really needs right now is to get on a schedule at home. And although I know I would LOVE my alone time for a few days, I have a feeling we'd have to start all over again when he got back.

Oh the sacrifices we make for our kids :)

He's been sleeping really well too. I don't know how Richie does it but he can get him to fall asleep within minutes, when it takes me hours. He had the same touch when Philip was a baby. Richie had to live in Kansas from the time Philip was 4 months until 7 months and he would drive home every weekend (8 hours) to be with us for about 36 hours before he had to turn around and drive back. Anyway, Philip would be a mess all week, sleeping all day and up all night and I was working two jobs then. Needless to say it was miserable. But then Richie would come home for 2 nights and Philip would sleep all through the night. He just needs his daddy!


Miss said...

there is something about those daddies...I always say to my kids "why do you love your stinken daddy SO much!" =) haha

your life sounds so much like mine in the first several years we were married (meaning like 8)...he is gone so much! =(

Erin C said...

Glad it's going better! Seems like the little ones kind of know, they will give you a few really hard days then back off and be sweet little things again!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I can's say the boys go to bed any better for Ryan than they do for me, I'd say it's equal, however, I will say that they are DEFINITELY more scared of Ryan. If I tell them not to do something (aka: no tv) they will go ahead and try it anyway, I will tell them that Ryan is home and they will JUMP up and turn it off! Ridiculous.