Wednesday, October 14, 2009

19 weeks!

Almost half way! We find out next Thursday what we're having. I cannot wait!!
Want to hear a good Richie story? Of course you do.
So last night I showed him my belly. He looks at it with HUGE eyes and says. "Did you hear about the woman that gave birth to a 19 pound baby?"
Me: Yes (Not sure where this is heading)
Richie: That could be you!!
Me: blank stare
Richie: Well, you're only half way there, and look at it!
Me: Gee, thanks babe, you always know just the right words to say???


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

He's crazy you look SO tiny! I can't wait to hear the news next week!!!

Miss said...

first of are tiny for half way there, so he is insane

second, I can match your "husband story"

The other day Bill was "admiring" my hips (whatever) and says ina "sexy" tone "Man...those hips could sink ships...."

also blank stare

so they are so huge no one would want me on the ship b.c I would SINK it??

apparently that isn't what he meant...I have a hard time seeing it any other way =) (that reminds me that I need to post that sotry on MY blog! haha)

Randi said...

punch him! hahah.

p.s. i have that same shower curtain. good taste

Erin C said...

You are the cutest "tinny" pregnant lady ever!

Mel said...

Mary you really are the cutest pregnant lady! :) So funny how guys forget to think before they speak sometimes. You look great and can't wait to hear what your having!