Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tears of joy

I had my first Dr. apt today. It didn't go as I expected but in the end it turned out great. After doing my pelvic exam, my Dr. said something didn't seem right. She didn't think my uterus felt 8 weeks pregnant. She asked if I was sure about my dates and I said yes, positive. She said she wanted me to have an ultrasound done because I don't have another appointment for 4 weeks and if something were to happen between now and then it could be really bad.

So off to the ultrasound room we went. As I sat in the room waiting for the tech. I prayed out loud. God if they can't find anything on the ultrasound I will be okay. I trust you and your plan for us.

Not sure where that came from because up until the appointment I have been a nervous wreck. Last night I asked for God to give me peace with whatever I found out at the appointment today and that he did.

The ultrasound technician came in the room and it dawned on me that she might have to give me bad news. I started to feel sad for her so I also told her that if she couldn't find anything that I would be okay. Not sure why but I just wanted her to know too I guess!

Luckily that wasn't the case.


She said very matter of fact like.

I got to see our tiny little beautiful baby on the ultrasound as well as the heartbeat. He/she is even measuring 3 days ahead of schedule and not behind at all. Thank you God!!


Miss said...

oh my GOSH Mary...I am SOOO greatful that this little baby is doing wonderfully! I am so sorry you had to be afraid, if even for just minutes

I love you!

Barbara said...

I'm so proud of you! I'm so glad it turned out good news even though you were willing to trust God if it was bad.

Brit said...

wow - i just read your blog ... such exciting news! congrats to you guys! i bet phili will love being a big brother :)

Mel said...

Oh my gosh Mary...You're so strong! So glad everything was alright!

Erin C said...

Mary I am so happy for you... that would be so hard! I am so glad your little babmbino was right where it should be!

Rachel said...

Only you would feel sorry for the technician in case you had a m/c!~ I love you mary and I'm SOOOO Happy you got to see that heartbeat!!!