Thursday, July 2, 2009

Much better

Phili is doing much better. As soon as his attitude came back I knew we were back in business :)

Thank you all for caring & loving on him! He took 3-5 hour naps all week. I bring him back in next week to make sure he's healed from everything.

I've been reading The Happiest Toddler on the Block. It has a little quiz to see what temperament your child is. Turns out Phili is "Spirited"....ha...big surprise!

Some of you may remember the post I had in November about our car accident. I sort of feel like life has been a bit like that lately. Riding along joyfully than boom...out of nowhere your world is turned inside out.

Actually, it's not that dramatic but I'm not sure when Phili went from being so sweet and innocent to, well I guess so spirited. Don't get me wrong, he is a good natured, loving boy and my mom is probably mad reading this about her Phili right now :) But, he's just been a lot more challenging lately. I like to think of him as my polite little bully.

On one hand he is excellent with his manners. I am so proud of him because that is one thing I have tried really hard to instill in him the way my mom did in us. He has his "peeeeas & dank yous" down pat and uses them frequently without being asked. I love that.

On the other hand, get him around other kids and he will show them who's boss....even if they are twice his size. He starts to puff out his chest and follow them around and literally bully them. It is so embarrassing! I honestly don't know how to handle it. Nothing I've tried seems to work.

I have been checking out books like a mad woman reading up on toddlers but I've got nothing. The latest book I'm reading actually suggests that kids his age are like little cavemen and you need to talk to them like that when they are throwing a tantrum. I tried it tonight and he just immediately stopped crying and gave me a really dirty look. haha.... oh boy!


Erin C said...

when you find a good book that works let me know! Maybe they are just being boys??? :) Haha funny comment about your mom b/c my mom doesn't like it when I post naughty boy stuff about Cole! I am pretty sure Cole is extra spirited! Too bad we don't live closer to let the boys get together and run off some extra energy! That always seems to help Cole.