Monday, June 29, 2009

Poor Phili

Philip has had a cough the last week or two but it's only been at night and he hasn't showed any other symptoms so we've just been waiting to see if it gets better. It hasn't. Late yesterday afternoon he felt really warm after his nap so I took his temp. It was 100 so I gave him some ibuprofen. We waited to see if it brought his body temp down but it didn't, it got worse.

Last night we took it again and it was 105. We rushed him out the door to the ER. They checked his heart rate and the alarm started going off showing a cause for concern. I guess it's common for the heart rate to be up when there is a fever but I didn't know that so I sat in complete fear & worry.

It turns out he has Pneumonia & an ear infection. He wasn't dehydrated so he was able to come home with a really strong antibiotic. He was such a little trooper. He's been really lethargic all day & just wants to cuddle. He's taking a nap right now. Really hoping he gets better soon.


Erin C said...

Poor little guy and how scary for Mom and Dad! I hate high fevers. I hope those abx start working ASAP and he is feeling better really soon!

Mel said...

Oh Mary! I feel so bad for him! That is so hard to see your baby sick...we wish him well and hopefully he will feel better really soon!

Rachel said...

I heard that !i'm so sorry!!!!