Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tears of joy

I had my first Dr. apt today. It didn't go as I expected but in the end it turned out great. After doing my pelvic exam, my Dr. said something didn't seem right. She didn't think my uterus felt 8 weeks pregnant. She asked if I was sure about my dates and I said yes, positive. She said she wanted me to have an ultrasound done because I don't have another appointment for 4 weeks and if something were to happen between now and then it could be really bad.

So off to the ultrasound room we went. As I sat in the room waiting for the tech. I prayed out loud. God if they can't find anything on the ultrasound I will be okay. I trust you and your plan for us.

Not sure where that came from because up until the appointment I have been a nervous wreck. Last night I asked for God to give me peace with whatever I found out at the appointment today and that he did.

The ultrasound technician came in the room and it dawned on me that she might have to give me bad news. I started to feel sad for her so I also told her that if she couldn't find anything that I would be okay. Not sure why but I just wanted her to know too I guess!

Luckily that wasn't the case.


She said very matter of fact like.

I got to see our tiny little beautiful baby on the ultrasound as well as the heartbeat. He/she is even measuring 3 days ahead of schedule and not behind at all. Thank you God!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

8 Weeks

I know I'll look back at this post and laugh but I can't believe I'm already 8 weeks! I've known for 4 weeks now that I'm pregnant and it still doesn't seem real some days. I haven't been quite as nauseous lately. I have my Dr. appointment this Thursday so I am really excited for that. I just found out two of my friends from down here are pregnant too and one is only two days behind me so that's fun. I'm going to try and be better about taking belly pics this time since I was awful last time. Hopefully I won't have to start taking them too soon :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Well that was easy!

My mom and sister came down this week with the kids. They brought all the food for the two days they were here and on top of that made all the meals. They left the house cleaner than it was when they arrived and I also got an awesome back rub. I usually love to host and cook or bake for my guests but they made sure there was no room for any of that. Being pregnant definitely has its perks :) Thanks Mom & Mame!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family pics

My wonderfully talented cousin Rachel took some pictures of us a few weekends ago. It was a spur of the moment photo shoot and I was pretty nauseous all weekend so I wasn't expecting much but I was very excited and pleased to see them! Isn't she good!? Thanks Rae!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I want Chi-Chi

That's what Phili has been saying when he wakes up in the morning. When we were in Mexico, he heard all the kids calling Richie "Chi-Chi" a nickname that has been around since my niece and nephew were little and couldn't pronounce Richie. It is so cute. Or he'll walk into a room saying, Chiiii-Chiii?" I love it.

We are super excited to dog sit for Mitch & Abby's Pug. We get to have her for a little over a week. Philip is going to be so happy!

We had a fun week this week. We got to visit my aunt and her daughters. She was kind enough to let Philp take a little car home that he wouldn't give up and needless to say, he is now obsessed with it. He has even given up Elmo for bedtime in exchange for the car. That says a lot! He brings it in the car, to the the Y, everywhere around the house. It's so funny.

Richie's birthday is tomorrow. We are going to go to a vineyard in Cannon Falls to see a solo-acoustic guitar player who sings classic rock but mainly a lot of Beatles songs. Couldn't be more perfect! I have already checked him out on YouTube to make sure that he won't botch any of the Beatles songs. He is good!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Food on the brain

I seriously can't stop eating. I've been really nauseous and the only thing that helps is if I eat....not good! I swore I wouldn't eat a ton this pregnancy because I did a lot with Philip. But so far, I've been just as bad. I am obsessed with peanut butter English muffins even though they smell like dogs to me.

I have been pretty drained at night but Richie has been helping out a ton with housework. I've managed to still work out about a dozen times since I found out so hopefully that will balance some of the overeating! I have my first appointment two weeks from today. I am really excited for that. According to the nurse over the phone, I am due march 7 but we will see when I have an ultrasound!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fun news!

It's a little hard to read but it says "This little monkey is going to be a big brother!"

Yes, you read that right :) I found out about a week and a half ago that I am pregnant! We couldn't be more excited. I am about 6 weeks. Due the beginning of March. I have been feeling tired and nauseous but that is good! I have taken 4 pregnancy tests over the last week and a half. haha. I HAD to take a digital one that reads "Pregnant". I've been trying to wait to tell people, but ha, who am I kidding! Richie has been super excited to tell people. Like he says, we exchange our Christmas gifts in November, so....we aren't very good at keeping surprises :) We are SUPER excited!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Much better

Phili is doing much better. As soon as his attitude came back I knew we were back in business :)

Thank you all for caring & loving on him! He took 3-5 hour naps all week. I bring him back in next week to make sure he's healed from everything.

I've been reading The Happiest Toddler on the Block. It has a little quiz to see what temperament your child is. Turns out Phili is "Spirited"....ha...big surprise!

Some of you may remember the post I had in November about our car accident. I sort of feel like life has been a bit like that lately. Riding along joyfully than boom...out of nowhere your world is turned inside out.

Actually, it's not that dramatic but I'm not sure when Phili went from being so sweet and innocent to, well I guess so spirited. Don't get me wrong, he is a good natured, loving boy and my mom is probably mad reading this about her Phili right now :) But, he's just been a lot more challenging lately. I like to think of him as my polite little bully.

On one hand he is excellent with his manners. I am so proud of him because that is one thing I have tried really hard to instill in him the way my mom did in us. He has his "peeeeas & dank yous" down pat and uses them frequently without being asked. I love that.

On the other hand, get him around other kids and he will show them who's boss....even if they are twice his size. He starts to puff out his chest and follow them around and literally bully them. It is so embarrassing! I honestly don't know how to handle it. Nothing I've tried seems to work.

I have been checking out books like a mad woman reading up on toddlers but I've got nothing. The latest book I'm reading actually suggests that kids his age are like little cavemen and you need to talk to them like that when they are throwing a tantrum. I tried it tonight and he just immediately stopped crying and gave me a really dirty look. haha.... oh boy!