Sunday, August 17, 2008

Psalm 46:10

"Be still and know that I am God"

I've heard this verse all my life but the older I get, the more I cling to it. I find it very hard to just be still. I find myself always anxiously awaiting the week ahead and what I have to check off my to-do list. If I could just get this done, I will be happy, once I get through the weekend, then I can relax. The truth is, once I get through the weekend, I am already anxious about the next weekend. It is a never ending cycle. Recently, God laid it on my heart that I need to stop being so anxious and enjoy & be thankful for where I am at right now. So, how do I "Be still"? This may seem like an easy concept to grasp for some people but I really struggle with it. I've been praying diligently about a particular situation recently & I've found the more time I spend with God, reading His word & seeking Him, the more I am starting to feel a little bit more "Still." If that makes sense. I can really truly only feel God's peace when I am spending the time with him that he so deserves. The older I get the more I realize how much I need God in my daily life. I've been blessed in so many ways, I don't want to wish away these busy times. I need to Be still and know that He is God & be thankful for every moment I have.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


momof3 said...

It's hard to be still. Very hard. I force myself to get into the mindset of "the dishes aren't going to get up and walk away, I can do them when the kids go to bed" or what ever...but then I am doing everything when the kids go to bed and neglecting Brian so I have to just make myself sit and be with him. We turn off the tv and talk or play games and I love those moments, but I still struggle with anxiety about things. I told Brian yesterday that I pray the kids don't grow up to be anxious like me...I hate it!

I hope what ever you're anxious about gets worked out soon.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Well said! People always say they are so busy...when things slow down...the truth is life never slows down, as soon as one things ends another begins so I think you hit the nail on the head the secret is to be still! Thanks for sharing and being an encouragement to another anxious person! :)

Barbara said...

When our son, Nate was 5 he looked up at Curt and said so sweetly, "why do we always have to hurry". Out of the mouths of babes. Be Still and Know That I Am God is so powerful I wish we could all comprehend it. Thanks for your words.

Amber said...

Hey Mary! This is so true, I feel the same way..just get me through this week...really I just need to enjoy where I'm at in life :)
P.S...I'm not stalking you, lol..weegy, I believe, gave me your blog address :) Phil is sooo adorable!
Amber O

Erin C said...

You are so true! We should remind ourselves of this daily. P.S. The to-do-list never gets done...I think I have been working on mine since I was 5...haha, and I am just begining to realize it will always be there:)

Mamie said...

Thanks, I needed that!

Jen gurl said...

Thanks, Mary. That is exactly what I needed today:)