Monday, August 25, 2008

A new post

Not too much going on since the boob post...It's been a good week. Philip was able to spend some quality time with a few of my aunts this past week and boy did he love it! It is so much fun for me to see other people enjoy him as much as Richie & I do. I think my mom makes up excuses to stop by just so she can see her Phili for a few mintes :) He really is at such a fun age right now. He is starting to walk! It is the cutest thing in the world. He started taking a few steps last week. Friday night at my cousin Rachel's shower, he was in a room with Richie and my aunt & a few other kids and out of the blue, he started walking across the room! He adores my aunt (all of them) so I think he was trying to show off for her!

It was a wonderful shower spent with family. Most of you know this, but my cousin and her husband tried for over 2 years to have a baby. To see her carrying a child is one of the most beautiful things in the world. At this time last year, I was 8 months pregnant and although I was very excited to meet Philip, I was also very sad for her. To be able to celebrate the precious little life inside of her is such a joy & a huge blessing!

We stopped by Julie & Brian's to wish Liam a happy birthday. It was so much fun to see the kids. Philip was trying to take all of Carys' toys, he's the same way with Hannah. He never does that to the big kids. He knows better! It's going to be fun watching them interact this year :)


momof3 said...

I'm so happy for your cousin, I bet it was a great shower!

My kids love Phili they can't wait for you to nanny again:)

Mamie said...

I've always thought Phili is a lot like Sam and one way I see this is with his walking. I think they were/are both happy babies but something about reaching a mile stone like walking for them just seems to bring such satisfaction and peace for them. Like they can take a deep breath because that big struggle is over. Maybe all kids are like this but I really noticed it with them.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I love when they start walking, they look like mini adults! It was fun seeing him at the shower, he is so adorable!