Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Back by popular demand...

Okay, a few of you have requested that I finish my 100 things. I guess I am more interesting than I thought =)

51. I really want Purty Pat to start a blog
52. ...and my mom, I think it would be fun to read
53. I neglect Richie a lot after Philip's in bed at night because I am reading all of your blogs
54. I have never watched a Viking's game before (Or any pro football for that matter)
55. I wanted to play hockey when I was younger but now I'm glad I never did
56. I want Philip to play soccer and I want Richie to coach him but I will not drive a offense =)
57. I feel like I am "Too-blessed" by family members
58. I can put my bottom lip over my nose
59. I wish I could sing
60. Those of you who know me, know I really can't!
61. I love listening to my sister-in-law Jen sing
62. And my aunts
63. Richie always tries to get a "good seat" at church which means sitting close enough to my aunt Barb to hear her sing
64. He has even told me to quit singing so loud so he can hear her
65. Yeah that's right, I'm a bad singer and i"m loud
66. I will most likely take and use any advice my mom gives me
67. I couldn't say enough good things about my parents
68. I love having a big family
69. At the present moment, I have 7 bruises/bumps on my body from running into things..ask Richie if you think this is exaggerated
70. When I was pregnant, I always ran my belly into things...oops
71. I wish I would have enjoyed being pregnant
72. I like living in Becker
73. I feel safe here
74. I love the quote from Joyce Meyer, "I'm not where I need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be"
75. I wish I could say I have no regrets in life
76. But I am so grateful for God's grace & I know I am new person through him
77. I'm happier when I'm busy
78. Since Richie has been home from KS, he has been Super-Dad
79. I'm happy in general
80. I think I look better with a little junk in my trunk if ya know what I mean! (Sorry brothers, I know some of you read this)
81. I have a horrible memory
82. I apprecitae things
83. I am super stubborn
84. I can be moody but usually only my mom, sister & Richie see that side
85. I wish I read my Bible more
86. I sometimes find it overwhelming to pray for all of the people I want to pray for in my life
87. My world became a much brighter place on December 11th, 2003 and then it was all up hill from there
88. That was when my 1st niece was born, followed my sweet nephew 3 months later and so on and so on =)
89. I worried that when I had my own baby I would lose some of the excitement I had when I get to see all of them but I haven't
90. I am proud of myself for eliminating gossip websites (, etc)from my life
91. I have grown so much as a stylist and person in general in the last month that I've been at Simonson's, it is unbelievable
92. Richie and I lead a group on a mission trip to Gulfport, Mississippi right before I got pregnant and it brought us so much closer together
93. We were the youngest adults in the group & we enjoyed everyone so much
94. I am blessed beyond belief with a wonderful, supportive family
95. I love clean, fresh sheets
96. I have a great group of friends from church, even though most of them are twice my age =)
97. I am an old lady at heart
98. I worry
99. I love having serious conversations with people although I rarely do
100. Thanks for reading!


Kami said...

Mary this is fantastic! It was so fun to read about you - I didn't know you are working at Simonson's now! Hope everything in life is going incredibly well for you! Loves!

Miss said...

you just wait will get a minivan someday and you will LOVE it! =) I am a proud mininvan mama!haha

Purty Pat said...

Yes, Melissa, Mary hasn't gotten to that point in life yet! Speaking of liking clean sheets I guess I have to pull ours off and toss them in the washer. It's nice though because Grandpa helps me make the bed. Actually to be honest he makes it by himself more often than I do. Mary, I'm so sorry - you must have gotten my singing (or should I say) non singing voice. But I always say I'm a good audience for those who can sing. I've been blessed with Grandpa's and all the girls' talent. These 100 things are so much fun to read!

Rachel said...

I love it!

And I agree with being overwhelmed with praying for all those that need it.

Rachel said...

Oh and HOW FUNNY about richie getting a good seat (next to barb) and asking you not to sing so loud! haha...

momof3 said...

That was great to read. I love how you said "back by popular demand" haha every one has been glued to their computer waiting :) I'm with you so far on the minivan thing I'm just not seeing that in my future yet...

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

ha! that's funny about the mini van...i seriously was going to write on my list that i love driving a mini van but i forgot!
ah yeah, junk in the trunk girl! :)

momof3 said...


Becca said...

At least you have your charades (did I spell this right!)skills to your self Purty Pat!!