Sunday, March 2, 2008

Missing my hubby

Richie left to go back down to KS today. I am feeling sadder than usual. I cought the flu bug so I've been sick all weekend. I can't nurse Phili because of the meds I'm on and it is breakiing my heart. He keeps trying to nurse and he cries so hard (so do I) when I can't do it for him. I realize now how Richie was so much help. I am really missing him right now. My wonderful sister Mamie took Phili for a few hours today so I could get some rest (and puke!). I'm feeling a little bit better but my heart is still sad. He'll be home for good in a few weeks and I cannot tell you how excited I am. I kind of complained to him earlier this week about being so messy when he's home and how hard it was to take care of him (he had bronchitis and pneumonia), real nice wife, huh? When it was his turn to take care of me and Phili (he has a virus & ear infection) he didn't complain once. He just lovingly did it without a complaint. I guess I could learn something from him!


momof3 said...

It's hard when you have to be a single Mom for a little bit especially when you're sick. I'm glad for you that Richie will be back for good soon. Feel better! I told every one how you're sick and Aurora feels sad that she'll miss you tomorrow but she wants you to get better too.

Erin C said...

The flu is going around! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Barbara said...

I'm so sorry you are sick and with out Richie. Why is it that most (not all) of the girls in our family seem to have these nice guys that take care of us when we are sick but we aren't quite as nice in return??? Do you think its is Grandma's fault?
Yeah, let blame her!!!
Just kidding.
Take care,

Miss said...

Oh I can totally feel your sadness. I remember I felt like my heart was going to explode with sadness when Bill was gone. Sometimes all was fine and then other times I felt like I couldnt take another deep breath until he got home. And to be sick to top it off...yuck. I am so sorry! I wish I was closer and dint have four little ones so I could come and help you!! (although, I would Take Phil in a SECOND!!!)

Mary said...

Apparently Richie reads my blog (who knew?), and he said he's never heard me be so negative as when he read this post! Haha...So, sorry for everyone who had to put up with a negative Nancy =)

Rachel said...

lol I didn't think it was negative at all! Just honest :-) You have every right to miss him when he's gone and wish he was home! I'm sorry you have to deal with this, I can't wait till he's home for good!