Friday, March 21, 2008

By the way...

Since my cell phone is cheap & crappy, I had to use a payphone at Target the other day. Not only does the thought of using a public phone repulse me because so many dirty hands have touched it, somebody did their "business" in the bathroom right next to it so I was beyond disgusted and literally gagging before I even made my call. Philip was also trying to shove the phone cord in his mouth the whole time which is also nasty. I put in 35 cents only to be told it is no longer only 35 cents, but a whopping 50 cents. I only had 35 cents in change so I noticed that you can use credit cards. I thought, why not. It says insert card yadda yadda yadda, enter every piece of information regarding your card yadda yadda I did and after about 5 minutes of this nonsense, I called my husband who didn't answer. This was when he was on his way home from Kansas and I had to meet him so it was very inportant that I get a hold of him. That is why I proceeded to call him 2 more times and go through the same credit card information process as well (knowing he was driving and for some reason NOT answering my calls?). Anyways, I check my credit card statement and those 3 agonizing phonecalls costs me not 50 cents per call but....are you ready....$17.00 per call. That means it costs me $51.00 to hold back my vomit for five minutes, touch a dirty payphone only to have a husband not answer my phonecalls.

Am I mad at the credit card company? Yes, but not as mad as I am at my husband for not answering his cell phone! :P

Moral of the story...

Husbands-Answer your wife's phone call.
Everyone else-don't use a credit card on a payphone.


Miss said...

THAT IS INSANE!!! I would call and disbute that fee! Seriously!

and tell stupid Richie to answer his phone !=)

oh,l dont tell Ella I called him Stupid.she gets really mad at me if I do!

momof3 said...

Oh my goodness! NO WAY! If you want someone to call that greedy credit card company up and yell at them let me do it:) You could buy a brand new phone for what they charged you.

Jen gurl said...

Nasty, Mary! I cannot believe they charge that much!! I know how you feel about your hubby not answering his phone!!! Our cell's are our home phones, too, and Woody doesn't understand that concept (YET) of having to answer calls, even when you are at home and might be your wife with an emergency!!!???

Rachel said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I would be livid!!!! next time to you go you should look on the phone and see if it says how much credit card charges are... maybe you can dispute it!

and ps.. I would have asked at the service counter to use the phone :-) next time try that!

Mamie said...

Thanks for the laugh!!

Barbara said...

I would call the credit card company and see if you can't get that adjusted. I'll call if you want! :)
P.S. Why didn't Richie answer his phone?