Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy times

It's been busy! In the last week I have done the following...

*Thrown two birthday parties for Philip (1 for neighbor friends, 1 for my family)
*Had my cousin come visit with her hubby and kids
*Had another party just for fun with friends/kids from church
*Went to South Dakota to see my aunt
*Stayed at my parent's house
*Richie started working 72 hour weeks (overnights)
*Celebrated my birthday with Mamie & my mom at Olive Garden and no Phili!!

Seriously, this is all since last Sunday. PHEW! And I wonder why I am so tired!? It was all fun though. Except for Phili has decided that nap or no nap, he will not fall asleep any earlier than...oh ya know, 11-midnight!? Which, mixed with him not seeing Richie for 6 days makes for a naughty naughty boy!

Unfortunately, in the midst of all this, two staff members from our church in ER have been hospitalized (one from a serious car accident, the other had a head injury which resulted in serious injuries). Please be praying for them (Pastor Jeff & Roseanne), as well as my aunt Liz who goes in for surgery on Wednesday and should hopefully have more answers too. She has been so strong and so positive throughout all of this. It is truly admirable. I will post again soon and hopefully it is with wonderful news!!


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I have to say I am glad that I was able to be a part of your busyness! It was so fun to see you guys!

Mary said...

So am I Katie James!!