Monday, September 28, 2009

Almost back to normal

In a few short days, our lives will be somewhat back to normal, whatever that may be. I have been staying with my parents for the last month while Richie works overnights. Me and Phili have been going back the one day he has off then coming back to my parent's again.

I didn't mention this in my previous posts but the reason why I haven't felt comfortable staying home with him at work all night is because there have been 2 attempted break ins on our block. Luckily the homeowners had dogs that woke them up and in one instance, the husband woke up to not one, but THREE men trying to get in. Fear got a hold of me and I was terrified to stay home. I told Richie to leave the doors unlocked when he left for work at night so that they could come in while we weren't there and see we have nothing too valuable and not come back! He did leave the front door open on accident one night but nothing happened so that was relieving.

Last week I decided to kick fear in the butt and I stayed home alone with Phili for 3 nights. It actually felt really peaceful and powerful to do it but I am really looking forward to my big strong manly man being home with us at night :)

Me and Phili had a wonderful weekend up at my parent's cabin. We went on a boat ride, went to some neat shops, went to the ice cream shop and the best part of all...Phili slept like a normal kid for the first time in a looooong time (7-7). With all this running around, his schedule has been thrown for a loop and needless to say it spiraled out of control. He would stay up as late as 11 to 1 and then not nap all day but be super naughty and crabby. I tried so hard to get him down at a decent time (usually 8) but he would seriously fight it for hours. It was a nightmare but it has gotten better!!

After posting about how easy this pregnancy has been, I had a huge scare yesterday. I started cramping at the cabin but figured it was probably normal, maybe things were just stretching in my tummy. Well on the way home we stopped and when I went to the bathroom I discovered I was spotting. Eak. Not fun to see when you're pregnant. This went on about half an hour. By the time we got back to my parent's house, I felt better and the spotting had stopped. Being it was Sunday and I'm not at home, I didn't call the Dr. But everything seems normal today so I am hoping and praying it was nothing. I will probably get checked out when I get back home.

We are having a little party tomorrow night for a friend of our family's who had a baby girl this summer. I am really excited. After that we head back home. This weekend is my favorite event of the year, the annual Apple Orchard party at my aunts. I will post pictures of Phili in his costume. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some belly shots!

With Richie's crazy work/sleep schedule, I figured it would be hard to get him to take a shot of me so I took matters into my own hands and stood on Philip's potty chair for a self portrait :) I had my 16 week check up yesterday. She found the heartbeat as soon as she turned the machine on. Phili wanted her to look for the heartbeat in his belly :) We get to find out on October 22nd what we're having!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh yeah!

I forgot to share our baby names in the last post!

Wesley Cooper

Helena Patricia

They are all after a grandparent on each side. Helena is a variation of Helen (Richie's great-grandma)

Poll closed

Looks like boy won the vote! I can't wait to see if it's right. I had a lady say to me last night, "I hope for your sake you have a girl" ....Huh?! I get what she's saying but I honestly truly don't care. I would love a brother for Philip and if I have a girl, well then watch out budget because Target clothes here I come! I still think I'm having a boy but this pregnancy has been completely different from my last one so who knows! It's been so much better, no horrible sickness, no constant bleeding, no miscarriage scares and hopefully no high blood pressure. I will have Richie take a picture soon of my belly, it has most definitely popped!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The good stuff

My aunt had surgery this week and it went well. They did not find any cancer in her lymph nodes. Praise God!! An experience like this definitely makes you love & appreciate loved ones on a deeper level. Especially the one going through it. I don't know how I would handle a situation like cancer happening to me but I don't believe that I would handle it with as much faith and strength as my aunt has. It'd be hard for me to find the words to eloquently describe my dear aunt and how incredible her faith has been through this process but I hope to someday write about it. Within days of finding out she had cancer my aunt said that she wanted to use this as an opportunity to share her faith. Wow. Please continue to pray for her as she goes through radiation. Thank you for the prayers!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Was that a kick?

I am pretty sure that I have felt our baby kick a few times in the past few days. I don't know if it's too early or not. The ultrasound gave me a due date a little sooner than my ticker so maybe it's possible!?

It's fun to see what people guess on my survey. I voted boy!! We find out in 4-5 weeks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy times

It's been busy! In the last week I have done the following...

*Thrown two birthday parties for Philip (1 for neighbor friends, 1 for my family)
*Had my cousin come visit with her hubby and kids
*Had another party just for fun with friends/kids from church
*Went to South Dakota to see my aunt
*Stayed at my parent's house
*Richie started working 72 hour weeks (overnights)
*Celebrated my birthday with Mamie & my mom at Olive Garden and no Phili!!

Seriously, this is all since last Sunday. PHEW! And I wonder why I am so tired!? It was all fun though. Except for Phili has decided that nap or no nap, he will not fall asleep any earlier than...oh ya know, 11-midnight!? Which, mixed with him not seeing Richie for 6 days makes for a naughty naughty boy!

Unfortunately, in the midst of all this, two staff members from our church in ER have been hospitalized (one from a serious car accident, the other had a head injury which resulted in serious injuries). Please be praying for them (Pastor Jeff & Roseanne), as well as my aunt Liz who goes in for surgery on Wednesday and should hopefully have more answers too. She has been so strong and so positive throughout all of this. It is truly admirable. I will post again soon and hopefully it is with wonderful news!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

13 weeks

Please ignore my haven't showered/fixed my hair/worn make-up all day look :) I didn't cut my hair either but it looks like it. My mom and Mamie came down yesterday and fixed up Philip's new big boy room. I'll post pictures soon. They did such a wonderful job. I love it.