Saturday, August 29, 2009

The hard stuff

I was cleaning the house yesterday. I was frustrated with the accumulation of dog hair and trying to get rid of it. Philip didn't want to nap so I was a little annoyed with that too. Then the phone rang.

It was my mom. I knew immediately that something was wrong. Unfortunately, I was right. She was calling to tell me that her sister, my aunt, has cancer. Even typing the words doesn't seem real.

I hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen. Suddenly nothing I had previously been so worried about seemed to matter anymore. It all seemed so insignificant. I sat down on the couch and the flood gates opened. Philip hasn't seen me cry tears of sadness very much so he sort of started to panic. He grabbed my face in his soft little hands and said "No baby" and then he started to cry too. We held each other and prayed for our dear aunt. I haven't stopped praying for her since.

We don't know how serious it is yet. Please be praying for her with us. She is an amazing wonderful woman of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She is strong and healthy and I am believing the best for her.


Brit said...

oh mary, your post made me tear up! i will be praying for your aunt.

Amber said...

Keep believing! We'll be praying for your aunt also.

Mel said...

We will be praying for your Aunt and your family Mary!