Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Since some of you are not fortunate enough to see Phili very often...proud mom much? hehe just kididng, but I'll give you an update on him :)

His favorite word is "Hi" and he says it ALL the time to anybody who will listen. Yesterday at the grocery store, he kept saying it to an old man stocking shelves but the man wasn't responding so Phili just kept saying it louder & LOUDER until the man started chuckling a little bit & had no choice but to play with him for a moment.

Speaking of old men, Philip LOVES old men. I think they remind him of my dad & grandpa because they are two of his favorite people in the world. Philip loves visiting my grandparent's house. It's one of his & Richie's favorite things to do when I'm at work.

He gets so excited that he giggles really hard when he gets to eat a really good snack.....he giggles equally as hard when he toots too!

He is OBSESSED with the computer. I know he's one, crazy, right!? He slept with us one night and the first thing he did when he got up in the morning (it was 5:30) was roll out of bed and get online. When Richie got home from work that night, I had to pry him off the computer to bring him down for dinner & he stubbornly marched back upstairs to go back online twice. Uh-oh, sounds like he may be taking after his mom? He was on the computer doing his thing the other day when he saw a picture of my mom, he got so excited he started kissing it!!

He loves the swimming pool & the bath tub, Richie takes him to swim at the YMCA here & he is NOT happy when he has to get out!

He doesn't like to watch TV, although I am working on getting to him to like it so I can get some things done! What kind of mom am I!?

He loves to dance. He loves to play peek-a-boo, hide-n-seek & he LOVES wrestling with Richie.

He loves talking on the phone & insists on saying "Hi" whenever I'm on it.

He loves when we read to him but he HAS to hold the book of course!

I always think one age is the most fun, but then it just gets better & better! He is such a blessing & truly a joy to be around.


Miss said...

what a SWEETIE!! I so wish I knew him more...thank you for posting this, it makes me feel like I do a bit more now!

Brit said...

We saw Richie and Phili at church on Sunday, and I seriously wanted to take Phili and snuggle him up! That boy is SO cute. Miss you guys but glad you're liking your new surroundings :) Hope to see you soon!

Mamie said...

Oh, I love my little Phili man. I love that he knows what he wants to! I didn't hear the story of him kissing mom's picture, that's so cute!

Barbara said...

I love hearing about him and I really miss you guys. Thanks for posting the picture of you and Philli - you truly are a mother in love!

Rachel said...

he is so sweet! I can't wait to see him again! I love hearing all about him!!!!