Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Thanksgiving to remember

The day began with laughter and fun,
time spent with family and eating a ton
We played some cards and watched the game,
before we knew it the time to go came
So we said our goodbyes and got in the car
Thankful we wouldn't be driving too far

But everything changed within a flash
The next thing we knew, we were in a car crash
Headlights, screeches, spinning and screams
I feared goodbyes and broken dreams

Please God no, don't let us die
were the thoughts in my head as I let out a cry
My baby's in the back, I'm afraid to know
But as I turned around to see him
God's protection would show
That He was right there with us carrying us through
He would not forsake us for His word is true

He had us in his care that night
Though the roads were pitch black,
we could only see His light

We escaped with only minor injuries
Our thankfulness continually brings us to our knees

Thank you Jesus for keeping us safe, thank you for your refuge, protection and loving faithfulness.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Since some of you are not fortunate enough to see Phili very often...proud mom much? hehe just kididng, but I'll give you an update on him :)

His favorite word is "Hi" and he says it ALL the time to anybody who will listen. Yesterday at the grocery store, he kept saying it to an old man stocking shelves but the man wasn't responding so Phili just kept saying it louder & LOUDER until the man started chuckling a little bit & had no choice but to play with him for a moment.

Speaking of old men, Philip LOVES old men. I think they remind him of my dad & grandpa because they are two of his favorite people in the world. Philip loves visiting my grandparent's house. It's one of his & Richie's favorite things to do when I'm at work.

He gets so excited that he giggles really hard when he gets to eat a really good snack.....he giggles equally as hard when he toots too!

He is OBSESSED with the computer. I know he's one, crazy, right!? He slept with us one night and the first thing he did when he got up in the morning (it was 5:30) was roll out of bed and get online. When Richie got home from work that night, I had to pry him off the computer to bring him down for dinner & he stubbornly marched back upstairs to go back online twice. Uh-oh, sounds like he may be taking after his mom? He was on the computer doing his thing the other day when he saw a picture of my mom, he got so excited he started kissing it!!

He loves the swimming pool & the bath tub, Richie takes him to swim at the YMCA here & he is NOT happy when he has to get out!

He doesn't like to watch TV, although I am working on getting to him to like it so I can get some things done! What kind of mom am I!?

He loves to dance. He loves to play peek-a-boo, hide-n-seek & he LOVES wrestling with Richie.

He loves talking on the phone & insists on saying "Hi" whenever I'm on it.

He loves when we read to him but he HAS to hold the book of course!

I always think one age is the most fun, but then it just gets better & better! He is such a blessing & truly a joy to be around.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I know this is cruel but......

Philip-14 months, Mary-13 months. We all thought it was pretty funny....

.....everyone except Daddy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A new & wonderful kind of normal

I love it here. It's hard to explain how I feel but it's really good! We have boxes to unpack and things to organize but we are together as a family now and that's all that matters. Richie has been so delightful. We had dinner at a restaurant our first night here and when we left he declared, "We belong here!" Everyone is so friendly and welcoming, it really is lovely! I feel sort of like we're in a scene from a cheesey movie where everyone walks around town with huge smiles on their faces greeting each other, but it's a good kind of cheesey! Phili's about to wake up (now that I don't have to get him up at 6:30, he sleeps in until 9!) so I am going to cut this short but I'll try and update more soon. Miss you all!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Did I mention we're moving?!

I'm sorry for my long absence in posts. We've been busy packing and getting ready for our move to RW!! We found a nice little town home to rent and Richie is all set up there as of last night. (Thanks Mamie & Dan for helping us move some stuff :) I get to move down there next week. We are so excited to begin this new chapter in our lives!! As far as my job situation, I will possibly do hair very PT there in the future, but mainly I get to stay home with my little guy!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am about that. I've been blessed with two really good jobs since Philip was born & knowing that I had to work, I never really allowed myself to think about what life would be like staying at home with him but now that the opportunity has presented itself, I couldn't be more thrilled! It is such a neat town and I really appreciate the history and the beauty of it. I can't wait! More to come soon :)