Monday, June 2, 2008

This time of year....

These are a few of my favorite things about this time of year....

*Stays light out longer
*Hearing birds chirp
*Kids playing outside
*People going for walks, bike rides, etc.
*Not having to bundle up Phili
*Grilling food
*Outdoor sporting events
*Not having to wear socks (flip flops)
*Being on the lake
*People golfing
*Construction being done & knowing a lot of laid off people have work for the summer
*Being at my parent's house
*The smell of fresh cut grass
*Feeling the warmth of the sun when I get in my car
*All of the beautiful flowers outside
*Garage sales
*Graduation parties, weddings, etc.
*Lilac bushes ( My favorite!)

Feel free to post yours!


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

You know what's funny? Just yesterday I drove by a garage sale sign and thought, "I love seeing those sign out in the summer." then I thought that's a weird I was very happy to read that you think the same thing! :)

Miss said...

every single thing you posted I agree with! =) I LOOOOVE my lilac bushes! =)