Monday, June 9, 2008

A few things

For those of you who are faithful blog readers of mine, I did get the $51.00 reimursed for those 3 payphone calls! Also, Richie is really enjoying his new job. He loves the people he works with. I think it's a really good fit for him.

Phili is starting to wean himself from breastfeeding. He was only nursing in the morning for that last month or so but now it's hard to even get him to do that. I should have figured he'd be the one calling the shots. He is quite the big shot afterall! It is really hard for me. I had an emotional breakdown last night. I'm not sure if hormones are involved when you stop brestfeeding or if it's just a sad realization that he's growing sooo fast. He's starting to do the army crawl now and loves to pull himself up in his crib and on furniture. He is at such a fun age.


Mamie said...

I felt the same way when Sam wouldn't nurse and he was only 7 weeks. You should be proud you made it this far! I was emotional during the transition, but don't you worry, I was over it soon too!

momof3 said...

I was kind of sad when Carys wanted the bottle all the time but she was 3 mo. Don't worry though children need their mommies for other things and you'll still feel close to him. And ya know what happens to your "girls" if you breastfeed too long and you don't want that either ;) :)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

First off...great news on the reimbursement! Second, I too had a hard time with Logan (and he made it a year) I was the one who wanted to stop and it was still hard so I think there are some hormones involved, but it is very short-lived! After a bit I was like , yuck, why would I want to do that anymore?

Miss said...

all of my kids so far have weaned before I was ready for them too (except for Tate...I was totally ready...but thats just b.c I had been nursing or pg for the previous two years! haha)