Thursday, June 19, 2008


Since I created this blog to talk about Phili, I thought I would give an update on him =)

I am very excited to say that he has started to say "Mama!" The first time I got him to say it, I kept saying Mama and he sat and studied my lips for a little while and then said...."Mum." It was so sweet.

He has 3 teeth now, two on the bottom and one on top. He has started crawling, pulling himself up on furniture and taking steps with the help of me or Richie.

He loooooves seeing family & friends, ecspecially little kids. He always has a big smile for them. He is at such a fun age right now. I hope you're all enjoying this nice weather!


momof3 said...

He has the BEST smile ever! I love it when he smiles at us:)

Mamie said...

Even though I know all this, I still love hearing about that cute little guy!

Rachel said...

great.. now I miss him :-)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I need to see that cutie pie SOON!

leah @maritalbless said...

I can not believe he's that old already! Teeth?!

Miss said...

too old too fast!!!