Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Down time?

I think that is what I am experiencing right now but it's been a while so it feels quite strange! I am up at my parent's house with the two little dudes. Life is settling back to normal. The outage ended this past weekend, so Richie is working 40 hours this week and it is lovely. (I had to come home for a funeral otherwise I would be thoroughly enjoying the family time at home). Richie is getting some alone time to work on the yard and such which he so deserves so it's all good.

Since my last post, Wesley went from being up every two hours to only waking up once in the middle of the night to feed. He was put on a medication for Thrush along with his acid reflux meds and that was the first night he slept like a champ. He must have been so uncomfortable until then :( He's usually a pretty happy baby. The meds make his tummy upset though so that always breaks my heart!

Phili is doing much better. It is amazing what spending time with Richie does for his soul. He's a different child when he doesn't get to spend time with him but when he gets daddy time, he is happier than can be. It's been this way his whole life. They have a pretty special bond. Since Welsey has come into our lives, I haven't blogged much about Phili but I want to share some things so that I don't forget and also for those of you who don't see him (or only see him at his worst!)

He is very imaginative and creative. He has a box full of toys that rarely gets opened. His favorite toys are kitchen utensils and anything that resembles a stick. He loves being out and about. He loves animals as much as his daddy. He loves to be read to. He LOVES our families. He is really good with numbers and letters, except when he wants to know how old another kid is, he asks me what letter he is? :) Richie doesn't like when I say this about him, but he is clumsy like me. I can't tell you how many times he trips over nothing or runs into a wall. He is one tough cookie though! He is just really excited about life and always in a hurry to move on to the next adventure. He's been going to "school" two mornings a week. His teachers say he does wonderful and he is always happy when I pick him up. He loves to sing. He always asks to see the scars on my forehead and elbow so he can kiss them. He is a really sweet boy (when he isn't tired!). I don't give him enough credit for what a good boy he usually is but I am working on that. Here is a picture of him with our neighbor friend Piper. One of his favorite things to do is go for rides with her on her Gator.


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

cute! he IS a good boy :) it was fun to see you yesterday for a little bit, thanks for your help!