Saturday, June 5, 2010

3 months

Wesley is 3 months today. I feel like I have finally emerged from that foggy newborn, sleep deprived stage. I am pretty much madly in love with the little dude. He is just so darn sweet, I can hardly stand it. He is smiley and giggly and curious and just so chubby and lovable. I am at my parent's house so I don't have any recent pictures but I will post one soon.

He is getting a pretty consistent sleep schedule at night and when he does wake up once a night to feed, I actually get excited to go in his room and nurse him. I always thought moms that said that were crazy or slightly annoying but now I am one of them!

I am working really hard on balancing out my affection between Phili and Wesley (and Richie!). Phili is getting better with Wesley. He just has a really intense way of showing his love for him that is a little tough to handle. I have a very spirited 2 year old and I need to figure out how I can allow him to be all that he can be without squashing his spirit by getting upset with him over petty things. Parenting is tough stuff! But I feel very blessed to be where I'm at in life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Hope life is treating you all well. Much love.


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

wow 3 months already, crazy!