Saturday, May 8, 2010

Potty Training

We've been working a little bit with Phili on potty training. Not too much but we're starting to get better at being more consistent with him going on the potty every day. Well today I let him wear big boy "Cars" underwear for the first time right after he went on the potty.

I kept asking him if he had to go potty every few minutes and he said no every time. Well, within a minute of me asking, I hear " cars are all wet!"

My immediate feeling was frustration at him for going right after he said he didn't have to but thankfully I had just read last night not to get upset with them when they have accidents.

So I went over to him and said "It's okay honey, it's just an accident."

To which he sweetly replied "Do you forgive me?"

Unfortunately at his tender age of two, he's already been asked for forgiveness from his mommy several times so he knows what that means. But it was still sweet all the same!


Rachel said...

that is sooooo sweet!

oh I remember feeling so frustrated through potty training.

Melissa reminded me that if they have 3 years of doing it one way, we can't expect them to get it right in one day (or week!) that was helpful to me.

Barbara said...

It means his mommy is not too proud to admit she makes mistakes which in turn is why is was able to ask forgiveness. Sounds like his mommy is doing a great job!

Abby said...

That was so cute! My cars are wet!! What a sweet boy.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

that's awesome, what a funny kid...and if all else fails you can try the Gavin method and offer pink princess pull-ups: i can't really see Phili wanting to wear those any more than gavin did! :)

Erin C said...

Very sweet! Good luck with the potty training and when you learn the magic trick let me know. Cole has had LOTS of accidents, but for some reason he still want to keep trying! Maybe one of these days it will stick :)