Friday, May 14, 2010


1st off....Cooper Alan is here!!! He was born Tuesday morning. It was so exciting being at the hospital waiting for his arrival with our family and Abby's parents. I live for moments like that! Here is a picture of the handsome little guy.

Wessie is 10 weeks old today. Weighing in at a whopping 16 pounds! Can I get some fries with that whopper? His acid reflux is getting better. Still up every two hours at night but some nights he throws me a bone and sleeps longer. We'll get there. Phili was the same way too. What can I say, I'm raising a couple of party animals? :)

Richie is still working 74 hours/week but it isn't overnights anymore so I can totally handle it. We actually get to see him for a couple hours a night now which is pure bliss. Even though times can get hard, it really makes you appreciate it when they are good. And right now it is good :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Potty Training

We've been working a little bit with Phili on potty training. Not too much but we're starting to get better at being more consistent with him going on the potty every day. Well today I let him wear big boy "Cars" underwear for the first time right after he went on the potty.

I kept asking him if he had to go potty every few minutes and he said no every time. Well, within a minute of me asking, I hear " cars are all wet!"

My immediate feeling was frustration at him for going right after he said he didn't have to but thankfully I had just read last night not to get upset with them when they have accidents.

So I went over to him and said "It's okay honey, it's just an accident."

To which he sweetly replied "Do you forgive me?"

Unfortunately at his tender age of two, he's already been asked for forgiveness from his mommy several times so he knows what that means. But it was still sweet all the same!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 2 months!

I can't believe Wessie is already 2 months old! It has gone by so fast. Here are some pics of the little whopper and big brother.

Phili's time-out spot....Looks pretty comfy there eh?

Smiling at his brother

Monday, May 3, 2010

Not all bad....

I don't want my posts to seem too gloom and doom :)

My amazing mom and sister heard my s.o.s. last week and swooped in to save the day. Not only did my mom come down and help with the kids, food, dishes, etc. She took Phili back home with her for a night and my sister took him for a night as well.

Talk about RELIEF! It felt so good to just have Wesley. I finally got things checked off of my To-Do list from a month ago that I was hoping to get done the day I made it, I cleaned, Richie and I got to spend some time together without getting smacked in the face with a toy for not giving Phili all of our attention, and best of all I got SLEEP. It was wonderful. Thank you Mom and Mamie!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Survivor mode

I am doing better but I am at the point right now that feels like I just have to survive the next week and we'll be okay. The outage will be done in a month but Richie will be done working overnights in a week. I was just reading an old post from when Richie had to work in Kansas from the time Phili was 4 months until 7 months (although he drove 16 hours round trip every every wknd to see us for a day and a half!) I remember at that time thinking that the end would never come but obviously it did and now it is just a distant memory. I was very much into listening to the song "Hear Comes the Sun" by the Beatles that last month of him working there. And I am finding myself listening to it again :)

This is just another season in life that will come and go. About a year ago at this time I was ridiculously happy about life and I knew to appreciate it and enjoy it while it lasted and I am so glad I did. And I know that I will be again soon.

I think of so many women who are single moms, widows, military wives, etc. I really can't complain.

Oh and we found out Wesley has Acid Reflux so he's been on Zantac which has really helped. Now if they just made a drug for a naughty toddler......haha....I kid, I kid :)