Thursday, March 4, 2010


My mom and grandma just left and they took Phili with them in case Wesely decides to show up in the middle of the night. I don't have anybody here I'd feel comfortable dropping Phili off with in the middle of the night so we'd have to have him with us until my mom could get here which is a 2 hour drive.

I was up all night with cramps and very inconsistent contractions and then at around 5 this morning, they just went away. What in the world is going on!?

Anyways, what feels so strange is having a house without Phili in it. For someone who was really wanting her alone time not too long ago, I sobbed like a baby when he drove away. I so appreciate the help and I know he is in wonderful hands and he'll have such a fun time with my family but it's killing me. I have been away from him overnight a couple times but never more than that. The plan is for her to keep him until Sunday or when/if something happens sooner.

I feel like a part of me is missing. We really don't do anything without Phili, so this is such a strange feeling. Hopefully Wesley will decide to make his appearance soon and it will all make sense but right now I desperately just want to be with both my baby boys.


Barbara said...

Mary, I can understand how you feel completely but if possible, try to use this time.

Use it to do nothing, or do something..if there is anything you've been wanting to do. Or, use it to spend time with Richy if he is around at all - or go have lunch with him if possible.

Soon you'll have a hard time getting any time to yourself, for awhile. You'll look back and wish you would have made more of the time.:)


Miss said...

Oh Mar, I can FEEL your frustration!
If you weren't having "false labor" over and over you would probably be rather content...excited and a bit uncomfortable, but your mind wouldn't be in the mode of always wondering if "today is the day". BUt, when your body keeps reeking havoc on your emotions, it makes you feel like you are going insane! and not to mention...its exhausting to keep having all those contractions!

SOON, I know its hard to believe, but THIS.BABY.WILL.COME =)