Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Still here

I hope I don't have to start my posts off with that phrase much longer :) After having light cramps yesterday/last night. I woke up at 4:30 this morning with contractions. They were about every 10-20 minutes. After a few hours of them, I just started to hurt all over. It felt like I had my period. Cramps and lower back pain. I was really nauseous from the pain. Well, after a little while, the pain started to go away :( I still feel little cramps now and then and it feels like his head has dropped even more if that's possible.

We're going to go walk around downtown and hopefully get things moving. My Dr. told me that walking doesn't help start labor but I don't care, I'm going to try anyways!

Phili is absolutely loving having my mom and grandma here. It is so much fun to see him enjoy them so much and I feel very blessed to have them here.

P.S. I just wanted to let any family that was planning on coming down know that the hospital has a quiet time from 1-3 in the birthing center. I believe that is the only time that visitors aren't allowed. Have a good day!


Miss said...

walking TOTALLY gets labor going...well, at least keeps contractions going if you are having them already. My midwife always has me walk the halls to get them going more


Barbara said...

I can hardy wait!! Since I was at work when you were texting me I didn't take time to reply to your last text...but I MISS YOU TOO!!!!