Monday, April 20, 2009

What to write....

We are having a fun time staying at my parent's this week. Philip had his 18 month check up today and good news.....his body finally caught up with his head. He got a shot & didn't even cry or flinch, he just gave the nurse a really dirty look. Oh that boy....

I'm noticing more & more the different ways he's like me & Richie. These are the things that remind me of Richie....

* He absolutely loves to learn about anything & everything
* He is hilarious
* He is very active
* Loves to be outside, running around
* Loves and I mean LOVES animals, especially dogs

These things remind me of me

* Super stubborn
* Sassy
* Loves to bust a move any chance he gets
* Loves people
* Independent

This is by far the most fun, and the most challenging age. He is learning so much everyday but he is also quite set in his ways and is not afraid to tell you if he doesn't like something. Some days I feel like it's Phili's world & I just get to live in it!

I was telling his pediatrician some of the concerns I have about how he handles getting frustrated & he looked at me with a straight face and said, "This is when I usually refer patients to a Psychiatrist". I nervously said....."Okay".... He starts laughing and says, I'm kidding! He sounds like a perfectly normal 18 month old! Woofta! He really had me worried for a minute =)

After I put him to bed at night, I reflect on the day and all the cute & silly things he did. Suddenly any naughty behavior is a distant memory and my thoughts always come back to the same thing. I really can't believe how blessed I am to be his mommy. What a wonderful gift. I love this little boy so much.


Miss said...

I love that he loves to bust a move! =) haha

I have had THREE 18 month olds so far (my 4th approaching WAY TOO FAST) so I can be your physciatrist if you need =) haha

Barbara said...

I love that line! "Bust a move!"

The stage Philli is in now was always my favorite! That is if I had a favorite. From 18 moths to 3 everything is new to them and we get to see it all over again as if its the first time! Enjoy!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Well, I think you're a great mom to him and he is also blessed because of you! :)

Bridgit said...

You are such a great and loving mom! I can just imagine that dirty look he gave the nurse -- I bet she was scared. I would've been!! :) I also love the "challenging" age of 18 months!