Friday, April 10, 2009

The unfortunate case of the husband with his foot in his mouth

Let me preface this by saying that Richie is a wonderful, supportive, encouraging husband.....who happens to put his foot in his mouth, a lot. Last night was one of those times.

For the record, he does know that I am blogging about this. He still sees nothing wrong with what he said & thinks I'm silly for overreacting. Overreacting? You be the judge. =)

I got the bug to do a little swing dancing with my, ahem, wonderful husband last night. Where the urge came from, I don't know. Maybe one too many Dancing with the Stars episodes. I cleared the room & instructed him that when I run & jump, I want him to swing me to his left, his right, then down the middle. Fun, right? Not so much.

While his dancing skills were quite impressive, he should have kept his feet on the ground, not in his mouth.

"I can't believe how heavy you are!" He says (Insert foot into mouth)

"I mean, you're body's so deceiving! You're like the black hole, small but heavy!" (Foot stays in mouth)
The only hole I see is the one you're digging yourself in buddy.

I of course, respond with the ever so mature comment, "Maybe you're just a wimp!"

"I don't mean it bad, it's just that I was expecting a feather & what I got was a bowling ball!" (Foot has been in mouth entirely way too long)

"Here, let me take my cardigan off," I say as if that will make a difference.

"Okay", Richie says & continues with "But Phili, you better watch out, there's going to be a lot of big things moving around!"

At this point, I'm not sure if I should

A. Punch him in the face

B. Cry

C. Realize that in his own crazy way, he actually really believes that he was giving me a compliment.

I chose C. Even when he told me I was a slender tree made of lead. The foot still remains in his mouth, & the hole continues to get deeper but that's all a part of the charm of the "Cheech" we love!

Now ladies, tell me, am I overreacting? I didn't think so!


leah @maritalbless said...

OH MY GOSH! I'm dying at this!!!

Jen gurl said...

You are absolutely NOT over-reacting!!! That TOTALLY sounds like something Woody would say/do!!!? He thinks that his honesty overrides the horrible, hurtful words he expressed to you!? "what, I was just being honest!?" uugghhhh

Mary said...

Well, I really don't think his intention was to be horrible/hurtful. He was really trying to tell me that I look small but don't feel small. I hope you don't take it as him being a jerk! Because I don't think that at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have blogged about it!

Randi said...

hahaah, men. dont know how to get the compliments out correctly!! :) to funny mary. i am focusing a bit more on the fact you wanted him to swing dance you all around! hahahaha :0)

Rachel said...

oh my word!! That Richie!!! What a cheechie turd!!!! Oh my word, nope, no man can return from that, but Joey would say something similar, thinking he was complimenting me! lol.. men.

Miss said...


I can NOT believe that he not only said it ONCE...but then KEPT on and KEPT on and KEPT on!! Haha, as if everything he said would only make it BETTER!!

I can't wait to tell Bill...he is gonna say "richie, richie, richie....caveman!" =) haha

Barbara said...

Mary you know I think you are adorable, tiny and beautiful and I'm sure Richie does too but...unfortunately for me I say those kind of backward compliments all too often. They just don't come out right.

Poor stupid Richie! (and me)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Oh he put his foot in his mouth for sure...but don't worry I can tell by your post that you love him still!

celene said...

After enough years of marriage, they just quit talking!lol

Just kidding!

JILL said...

OK - can I just say that he gets TONS of points for going along with the whole dancing thing! "I just had the urge to swing dance in my living room . . ." What he said after that doesn't even matter! He wanted to dance with you!You lucky woman!