Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This & that

I've had a super fun & busy week. My niece Paige came and stayed with us from Sunday-Wednesday. It was so much fun! Her & Phili played really well together. It almost made me want another kid. I will post some pictures later!

We are set to close on our house the end of this month! We are so excited. It's not too far from where we live now. We are most excited about the fenced in backyard & the park nearby. We are still debating what kind of dog, stay tuned. Oh, I can't wait for summer!!

We've met a lot of new people lately too. Mostly from the YMCA & Church. Since it's the same church my aunt & uncle's family went to, we've met a lot of their friends from when they lived here which has been super fun. We're getting back into Youth Ministry too so that's exciting. I thought it would be hard to find a church down here but we absolutely love First Covenant & it already feels like home to us.

It has been so much fun to see God's hand in all of this. This is the last place I would have ever pictured us moving to but we have honestly never been happier. We feel very blessed to be where we are at. When we lived in B, ER always felt like home to us. Now, when we go back to ER, it feels like my hometown, not home, RW is home. I love love love it.

Of course we know that God's plan for our life could change down the line but for now we are thoroughly enjoying this season in our lives. Blessings to you all!

Duh, I forgot to mention a huge thing! My cousin Katie had a beautiful baby girl on Sunday morning. She has two boys and now a precious baby girl. And, holding Addison defintely did made me want another baby momentarily. Stay tuned for that as it changes everyday :)


Rachel said...

I am soooo excited for you to get your new house and I am so thrilled you feel at home at the covenant church, and RW for that matter!

Erin C said...

I am so glad you guys like it in Red Wing, your kind of making me want to move down there :)

celene said...

Miss you Mary! Your baby boy is adorable and YES you need another one... just ask your sister!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

So happy to hear that you feel like Red Wing is home.

Thanks for the mention of Addison! Pretty sure she can give the baby "itch" to anyone, but I am biased!