Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lord Move, or Move Me

For whatever reason I am feeling like this lately. I couldn't find the words to express how I've been feeling but when I heard this song, it spoke right to my heart.

It never fails, as soon as I finally start to feel at peace in my walk with God, I suddenly start to feel so very far away. I don't like this feeling. But, the good news is I know where it is coming from & I know our God is bigger than anything that is trying to get in the way.

Oh, and about going private, I am getting to that!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I am going to be going private on my blog. Please email me at if you would like a blog invite, otherwise it won't allow you to read it. No specific reason why I am going private, just lots of creeps in the news lately who use the internet as a tool & it's freaking me out a little bit! :)

Other than that, life is good!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What to write....

We are having a fun time staying at my parent's this week. Philip had his 18 month check up today and good news.....his body finally caught up with his head. He got a shot & didn't even cry or flinch, he just gave the nurse a really dirty look. Oh that boy....

I'm noticing more & more the different ways he's like me & Richie. These are the things that remind me of Richie....

* He absolutely loves to learn about anything & everything
* He is hilarious
* He is very active
* Loves to be outside, running around
* Loves and I mean LOVES animals, especially dogs

These things remind me of me

* Super stubborn
* Sassy
* Loves to bust a move any chance he gets
* Loves people
* Independent

This is by far the most fun, and the most challenging age. He is learning so much everyday but he is also quite set in his ways and is not afraid to tell you if he doesn't like something. Some days I feel like it's Phili's world & I just get to live in it!

I was telling his pediatrician some of the concerns I have about how he handles getting frustrated & he looked at me with a straight face and said, "This is when I usually refer patients to a Psychiatrist". I nervously said....."Okay".... He starts laughing and says, I'm kidding! He sounds like a perfectly normal 18 month old! Woofta! He really had me worried for a minute =)

After I put him to bed at night, I reflect on the day and all the cute & silly things he did. Suddenly any naughty behavior is a distant memory and my thoughts always come back to the same thing. I really can't believe how blessed I am to be his mommy. What a wonderful gift. I love this little boy so much.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The unfortunate case of the husband with his foot in his mouth

Let me preface this by saying that Richie is a wonderful, supportive, encouraging husband.....who happens to put his foot in his mouth, a lot. Last night was one of those times.

For the record, he does know that I am blogging about this. He still sees nothing wrong with what he said & thinks I'm silly for overreacting. Overreacting? You be the judge. =)

I got the bug to do a little swing dancing with my, ahem, wonderful husband last night. Where the urge came from, I don't know. Maybe one too many Dancing with the Stars episodes. I cleared the room & instructed him that when I run & jump, I want him to swing me to his left, his right, then down the middle. Fun, right? Not so much.

While his dancing skills were quite impressive, he should have kept his feet on the ground, not in his mouth.

"I can't believe how heavy you are!" He says (Insert foot into mouth)

"I mean, you're body's so deceiving! You're like the black hole, small but heavy!" (Foot stays in mouth)
The only hole I see is the one you're digging yourself in buddy.

I of course, respond with the ever so mature comment, "Maybe you're just a wimp!"

"I don't mean it bad, it's just that I was expecting a feather & what I got was a bowling ball!" (Foot has been in mouth entirely way too long)

"Here, let me take my cardigan off," I say as if that will make a difference.

"Okay", Richie says & continues with "But Phili, you better watch out, there's going to be a lot of big things moving around!"

At this point, I'm not sure if I should

A. Punch him in the face

B. Cry

C. Realize that in his own crazy way, he actually really believes that he was giving me a compliment.

I chose C. Even when he told me I was a slender tree made of lead. The foot still remains in his mouth, & the hole continues to get deeper but that's all a part of the charm of the "Cheech" we love!

Now ladies, tell me, am I overreacting? I didn't think so!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This & that

I've had a super fun & busy week. My niece Paige came and stayed with us from Sunday-Wednesday. It was so much fun! Her & Phili played really well together. It almost made me want another kid. I will post some pictures later!

We are set to close on our house the end of this month! We are so excited. It's not too far from where we live now. We are most excited about the fenced in backyard & the park nearby. We are still debating what kind of dog, stay tuned. Oh, I can't wait for summer!!

We've met a lot of new people lately too. Mostly from the YMCA & Church. Since it's the same church my aunt & uncle's family went to, we've met a lot of their friends from when they lived here which has been super fun. We're getting back into Youth Ministry too so that's exciting. I thought it would be hard to find a church down here but we absolutely love First Covenant & it already feels like home to us.

It has been so much fun to see God's hand in all of this. This is the last place I would have ever pictured us moving to but we have honestly never been happier. We feel very blessed to be where we are at. When we lived in B, ER always felt like home to us. Now, when we go back to ER, it feels like my hometown, not home, RW is home. I love love love it.

Of course we know that God's plan for our life could change down the line but for now we are thoroughly enjoying this season in our lives. Blessings to you all!

Duh, I forgot to mention a huge thing! My cousin Katie had a beautiful baby girl on Sunday morning. She has two boys and now a precious baby girl. And, holding Addison defintely did made me want another baby momentarily. Stay tuned for that as it changes everyday :)