Friday, March 13, 2009

We're back!

We are back & we had a wonderful time with my cousin & her adorable son. The train was amazing. I will post more about it later but first I am heading home to celebrate my wonderful nephew Sammy boy's 5th birthday. I love this kid so much!!

Just a quick story about Sam.
A few months ago, him & Richie were arguing over a saying in a cartoon. They bet 25 cents on who was right. Richie forgot all about it until Sam came to him recently and said, "Richie, you know what I realized....I was wrong, you're right it does say.......whatever it says in the cartoon. What five year old does that!!!??? He captured my heart the day he was born & I love him more & more each year. Happy Birthday buddy!!


Rachel said...

what a sweet sweet boy!

Barbara said...

Thank you for posting a picture of Sammy! I haven't seen him since Christmas and I miss him! As well as Mamie, Hannah and Dan.

I'm so glad you and Philli had a good time on the train and at Rachels.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

That's a great story...did he bring the 25 cents? :)