Friday, March 26, 2010

Oops...he did it again

Remember the infant car seat picture of Phili a while back? Well I think he outdid himself this time....I was nursing Wesley in the living room and somebody was awfully quiet in the dining room :)


Randi said...


Mel said...

Hahahaha, so funny Mary...He's too cute!

It was SO great to see you and your ADORABLE kids this weekend! Hope to see you again soon!!!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

yeah the boys pulled some stunts like that!
cute pictures.
I am SO SORRY I haven't been to see you yet. I feel terrible, but in all honesty I have felt like crap and haven't been up to going anywhere!!!! But I will see you this weekend! yeah.
also, got your text last night so funny Phili thought I was you, but of course!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

one more thing...are you going to change your blog name?