Monday, March 1, 2010

39 weeks

Still here :) I had an appointment this morning and I'm dilated to a 4, his head is at +1 station and I'm still 50% effaced. She said she thinks I'll go soon. I am having some cramping right now so I am really hoping she's right! My mom and grandma are coming down for a few days so it would be perfect if I go while they are here. I will keep you updated!


Randi said...

i was asking Abby on Sat. how you were doing!

everyday you dont post i think you are in labor haha..

good luck Mary!

Mel said...

Oh exciting Mary!!! Best wishes and can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

come on baby wesley we're waiting! :)

Brit said...

thinking of you mary! hope baby wesley comes soon! :)

Erin C said...

You are so close, it really should be any day! So excited for you!