Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Cutie patootie

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter! I didn't get a picture of Phili this year but here is one of Wesley. Poor little Phili has totally been on the back burner this past month. I am really needing to do something about that and SOON! He's been quite the terrorizer lately and I know he is just desperately wanting my attention.

We had a nice Easter. I went home with the boys (Richie had to work overnights all wknd). I got to celebrate my uncle's birthday, hear my sister-in-law sing in their Easter production (amazing) and celebrate Jesus with most of my family. Oh and I got to hang out with my best friend and her kids who I used to nanny for who I miss like crazy. It was a great weekend but I am so glad to be back home. There really is no place like home. Phili doesn't do well traveling so as much as I love going to my parent's house, it is always so nice to get back into a routine. Ha...who am I kidding, like we have a routine?! :)

Wesley weighs in at a whopping 13.5 pounds! He just turned one month and he has almost doubled his birth weight. He looks like a little sumo wrestler. This nursing around the clock thing is paying off :)

I am still wanting to write my birth story but please bare with me. I haven't had much time to sit down and even wrap my head around life but I will get there soon! Hope you're all doing well. Much love.


Mel said...

Ohhhh so cute Mary, love his little outfit!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

he is such a cutie! it was so fun to see you!