Thursday, April 10, 2008

A night with "The Cheech"

I don't know if you know this but Richie is pretty much "The coolest babysitter in the world". His words....Not mine. We had all the kids for a few hours last week and had a blast. Richie's sister and her son Noah came and joined the fun too. Here are some pics. No wonder all the kids like him so much. He gets to be the crazy one while I have to do all the cleaning! Excuse the MESSY family room. Everything was in complete disarray.

Miss Roses in the middle of all the craziness!

Olivia doesn't look too amused here!

Couple of sweet little girls

He thinks he's so cool....

Oh dear...


Miss said...

cute!! I like the "oh dear" caption! =)

Purty Pat said...

It looks like fun was had by all!!!