Sunday, April 13, 2008

My 100 things

I have been "tagged". Here are my 100. I can't imagine they will be that interesting but here goes...

1. I have stretchy face skin
2. This September, I will have known Richie 10 years
3. I am slowly becoming addicted to the blogging world
4. I can't go to bed at night until I check up on all my girl's blogs
5. Sometimes I wake Philip up at night to cuddle when I have been away from him for work that day or night (Bad mom, I know)
6. I feel guilty having Thursdays off even though I work the other 6 days of the week
7. I love both my jobs
8. I took Sociology & Children's Literature last year and got a 4.0 GPA
9. I don't know how I'm going to come up with 89 more facts
10. I love baby/bridal showers
11. I love kids
12. I love doing hair
13. I do not love doing kid's hair
14. I feel happiest when I am doing something to help make someone's life a little easier
15. I love taking warm baths
16. Although I can't take one without thinking about children in Africa who do not have clean drinking water & their mothers have to walk miles to get it for them
17. I love having morning coffee
18. When I first had Philip I would "Pump & dump" so I could drink a bunch of coffee to get through the day
19. I love nursing Philip
20. Richie & I have yet to go on a date since Philip was born
21. I have the best family in the world
22. I've realized that I'd rather have a few really good friends than a dozen flaky ones
23. I can never stay awake to finish a whole movie
24. I love going on walks
25. I am very impatient
26. I am compassionate
27. I lose some of the compssion if someone complains a lot
28. I try to look for the positive in any circumstance
29. I operate better on little sleep than a lot of sleep
30. I don't compare myself to other people
31. I hope I never do
32. I am genuinely happy for people
33. I love to read
34. I love when people say I look like my mom & sister
35. Or Grandma, cousin & aunt for that matter =)
36. I love to laugh
37. I don't make new friends very easily
38. I'm okay with that
39. I am so happy for my cousin Rachel and her husband & their baby and I think about them all the time
40. I love playing cards and cranium
41. I like setting the table for dinner
42. I love visiting with my grandparents
43. I love talking to my cousin Rae and best friend Julie online
44. I don't like talking on the phone
45. But, I call my mom and sister everyday
46. I love to bake
47. I don't like to cook anything with meat
48. I absolutely adore our nieces and nephews
49. Richie & I would love to have a home daycare if it paid more
50. I love going to my parent's house

There's 50 for ya. I will do 50 more when I feel like it.


momof3 said...

I love your 50 things I can't wait to read more! I love your comment at the end about giving more when you feel like it. By the way I think you should take a picture of your stretchy face and post it. It's so awesome.

Mamie said... true for you.

Purty Pat said...

Sure glad you added #35!! We'll have to get together and play 500 again sometime. I won't play with Rachel though - even if she has lousy cards, she always wins!! BTW (I think that means "by the way" - anyway that's what I mean by it - I think it's about time to get your mother on these blogs!!)

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

Those are great and not boring at all! Finish the list! :)
Also, Grandma you are so right with btw!

Barbara said...

Mary you are one of the kindest, compassionate people I know. I love these 100 things! (even though you only did 50 - that's okay)

Miss said...

YEAH!! do 50 more!!!!