Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Phili said his first word!!! He said Dada yesterday and now that's all he wants to do. When we try and get him to say Mama, he just giggles and says Dada. I love that kid! I am happy that Dada was his first word. I get to bond with him so much while I nurse him, I think it's great that he said Dada. Richie of course loves it =)


Barbara said...

How cute!!! That had to make Richie proud!

Mary - how is the job?

momof3 said...

Phili is sooo cute! I'm sure you won't think it's so cute though when he says Dada all the time and forgets to say Mama and pretty soon you'll be dada too:( Carys' first word was momma but now all she wants to say is daddy daddy! Give me a break he doesn't do anything;)Granted she does say Mommy, but not as much as I'd like her too.

Purty Pat said...

You're such a good wife - wanting to have Richie get all the glory!! Maybe we can arrange Melissa to take a picture with me and my flat hair, huh? I'll scare everyone but good.

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

I agree with Grandma, you are a good wife. I admit I was completely jealous when Logan only wanted or said Dada...but now I can't get him off me so it all works out in the end! :)

Bridgit said...

How wonderful!! I wish I could hear that little giggle!! :)