Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Time to update

Sorry I haven't updated lately! Richie is now living back in MN where he belongs and I am loving being together as a family! I've been in training a lot at Simonson's the past few weeks. I have my certifications tests tomorrow so wish me luck! Phili has his first tooth which is very exciting except for when the little bugger bites me. He is rolling over and sitting up and eating a lot like his daddy. He has been so cheerful since Richie has been home. he's definetely a daddy's boy. I will have Richie put some pictures up of him later. People are starting to say he looks more like me now (some say it's his chubby cheecks =)

My wonderful cousin Rachel is pregnant after 2+ years of having trouble conceiving. I am ecstatic for her and her sweet hubby Joey. It has been an emotional roller coaster for them and I praise God everyday for where they are at. (It has also been very time consuming checking her blog multiple times a day! Just kidding). It really has consumed my thoughts and we are all rejoicing with them as they celebrate this wonderful time.

I am still loving being a nanny for my best friend Julie's kids. I love them like they're my nieces and nephew. They bring so much joy to my days. Liam has a tender heart and Carys has a spunky personality. Aurora is in school during the day so I don't watch her but she's a very sweet, kind girl. I am so blessed to be where I am at.

I will try and remember to have Richie put some pictures up later tonight. I'm not too computer savvy! Thanks for reading.


momof3 said...

Awwww they love you like you're their Auntie:) I'm so glad for you that Richie is back and the kids can't wait to play with him tomorrow! Philli's little tooth is so adorable. Good luck on your certification tomorrow I'll be waiting for you to tell me whether you passed or not, I'm sure you will.

Miss said...

and now you can breath a sigh of relief! I remember when Bill wa sFINALLY home, I felt like all was right with the world! (until he started to annoy me...but thats nother story!haha)
I love you!

Jen gurl said...

I'm SO glad the Cheech is home and things are "normal" again! Good luck today and we'll hopefully see you tomorrow night!?