Monday, March 24, 2008

Phili's big day at the office

I don't know if you know this about Philip but he loves when people love him....if that makes sense =) He's quite the charmer. He can be in a crabby mood for me but as soon as we are in public and he sees people oohing and awwing over him he totally plays up the cute card. Here he is at my dad and Mitch's work. Doesn't he look like a mini-Mitch!?


Miss said...

He DOES look like mitch..espeically the hair line! =)

Mamie said...

I love that picture. That must be why I always get a big smile out of Philip. He knows how much we love him!

Barbara said...

I love seeing pictures with your dad in them! How cute of Mitch and Philli and of course Maryls P!

momof3 said...

haha! I like what Missy said their hairline is the same. He definitely has the Glines look to him, do you think he looks like Richie at all? It's some times hard to tell on babies or toddlers who they're going to end up looking like.

Jen gurl said...

What a cute picture!! I DO think he kinda looks like Mitch!? I miss little Phili...maybe when we are all feeling better, we can take him some night, so you and Richie can go on a date!?