Friday, March 21, 2008

I passed!

I start working tomorrow. I am certified in cutting and coloring. Thanks so much to mom and Lindsay for being my hair models!

After I got home from testing, Richie said he had to run over to Mamie and Dans to pick something up so I went with him. To my suprise, my family had all gone over there to suprise me with a cake and pizza party for passing certification! I had so much fun. Thanks guys!

On a completely different note....Richie and I were just watching A Baby Story and a woman was having contractions and he said he knew what they felt like because sometimes he wakes up with...get this...LEG CRAMPS! Anyone who has been in labor can understand how absurd this comparision is! Men....


momof3 said...

That's so cool that they gave you a surprise party! What an awesome family. I'm so happy for you that you passed and you can start taking appointments, congrats:)

Mamie said...

Oh, Richie. Leg cramps, seriously?

Erin Wiegratz said...

congrats Mary!...when can I come in for an updo?.. ;)

Jen gurl said...

Congratulations, Mary! So sorry that I wasn't at the party AND that I didn't call you, but I tried your answer!? I can't wait to come in for a cut:)