Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"So thankful for this moment"

I took a yoga class today (not the norm for me) and during the class a song played with the lyrics, "I'm so thankful for this moment". That verse stuck with me because it is so fitting to where I'm at right now. I wish I could just freeze time and keep Phili 5 forever (Wesley could fast forward a few months if it were up to me lol). I'm suddenly realzing that this fall, Phili will be in Kindergarten and these precious years I've had home with him will be over in a flash and we'll be entering a totally different chapter in our life. I feel like I'm really holding on tight to these days and don't want to look back with any regrets. We've been doing more library, forts, finger painting, late nights watching Full House hehe, because I know that next year will be completely different. In our town, when you start school, you go 5 full days/wk right when Kindergarten begins. I won't go into details but I'm not sure I will be sending him to the publie school. He may go to the Christian school which is 3 days/wk and I've even been researching homeschooling. I'm learning more towards the Christian school but we're just not sure yet. Stay tuned for all of that!


Mel said...

Thanks for this post Mary. It's a healthy reminder for me!!

maydaygirl said...

What a great reminder!! And totally bwahahahaing over Wesley can fast forward lol. Been there thought that!