Friday, February 22, 2013

Funny Boy Phili

I was kind of sad yesterday thinking about Phili going off to Kindergarten next year so I asked him to come cuddle with me and he quickly refused saying, "Mom, I'm like a man now!" Funny boy. There's been a lot of sickness going around this winter and we were victims of the stomach bug that went around about a month ago. I thought this picture was pretty funny as it summed up those few weeks of sickness. Phili actually was the one vomiting on this particular day so I love his face in this photo :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"So thankful for this moment"

I took a yoga class today (not the norm for me) and during the class a song played with the lyrics, "I'm so thankful for this moment". That verse stuck with me because it is so fitting to where I'm at right now. I wish I could just freeze time and keep Phili 5 forever (Wesley could fast forward a few months if it were up to me lol). I'm suddenly realzing that this fall, Phili will be in Kindergarten and these precious years I've had home with him will be over in a flash and we'll be entering a totally different chapter in our life. I feel like I'm really holding on tight to these days and don't want to look back with any regrets. We've been doing more library, forts, finger painting, late nights watching Full House hehe, because I know that next year will be completely different. In our town, when you start school, you go 5 full days/wk right when Kindergarten begins. I won't go into details but I'm not sure I will be sending him to the publie school. He may go to the Christian school which is 3 days/wk and I've even been researching homeschooling. I'm learning more towards the Christian school but we're just not sure yet. Stay tuned for all of that!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Guess who's back...back again.....

Well, after almost 2 years (what!), I've decided I want back in the blogging world. I love looking back on posts about the boys and really love that it's a smaller community to share things with that I don't want hundreds of people to see. If you've forgiven me and are letting me back in your blogging world, I thank you :) If this is your first exposure to "Phili's mom" (oops time to update), I hope this serves as a place for you to catch up on our life, maybe have a laugh and hopefully be encouraged by some of my future posts that have been stirring up in my heart. I love writing, I love encouraging people and it's been too long since I've done both. Thanks for stopping by!!