Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I can't think of a title :)

Let's see....I love having two little boys. I really do. They are starting to interact and it makes the days that much more enjoyable. Wesley is a super easy baby. He laughs and screeches and smiles and laughs some more. They are both super easy to bring places too so I can go to the store, walks, park, Y, etc and they are both usually happy just to be out and about. They are social butterflies! I wonder where they get that? =)

Phili is doing great at school. (He's in a pre-school room at a daycare 2 mornings a week but he likes to call it school). He gets "report cards" when he goes for the whole day and so far he's received all smiley faces on them....which to be quite honest, shocked me at first. I pretty much made his teacher look me straight in the eyes and tell me that he truly is a good boy at school. Come to find out, he really is! Makes Mama proud! He has been so fun to just have conversations with and hear what comes out of his little mind. He turns 3 in September and he is dead set on having an Owl themed birthday party. Hasn't changed his mind in months. We shall see what September brings!

I have been doing a Beth Moore Bible study at our church and also helping out when I can. I really like the study. I feel like I am trying to better myself in corners of my life that I never would have thought about before. The whole study is about moving to a higher level in our walk with God. I am so ready for that! I am really trying to not let any complaining, negativity or badmouthing come out of my mouth. It's amazing when you set a goal like that, so many opportunities arise that will tempt you!

I'm nowhere near where I would like to be but I am really trying. And thankfully, God sees my heart and not all my failures. I look back on how I used to be and it amazes me that I could criticize and bad mouth others so freely. What a sad way to live! I am so thankful that God has been working in my heart the last few years to get rid of that junk and just love others freely....the way He does.

Which brings me back to my favorite Joyce Meyer quote, "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I was!" God has been doing a lot of neat things in my life. Not all of them are joyful and exciting. Some are really hard and I need to practice discipline and obedience (and keeping my mouth shut!) but regardless, they all need to be done and I am thankful for the healing and the closeness it has brought me to God.

Wow, I was just going to quickly write about the boys! But in all honesty, I can't give you and update about my life without talking about my faith because thankfully, the two are so closely intertwined that I am not one without the other.

I have been having loads of fun taking Zumba (latin dance classes...think Shakira!) 3 times a week. They have it at the Y and I just love it. They boys do really well at the daycare there and I get to shake it and have an awesome work out for an hour!

Richie is still on shift schedule at work so he has some really good weeks and some challenging weeks. I am thankful for the challenging ones because they make the good ones that much better.

I hope you are all having an enjoyable summer. Having two little one doesn't allow me to catch up on blogs as much as I would like but I trust you're all doing great. Lots of Love always~


Abby said...

Love the update. Good boy, Phili!! Can't wait to see you again!