Friday, November 13, 2009

5 Desires

Just for fun I thought I'd write a list of 5 desires of my heart. 5 things I focus on daily, things I strive for. I wish I could say I achieved these 5 things everyday but nope, sadly, some days I don't even close. I'm curious to know what your 5 desires are? Post them if you'd like!

1. A Faith that's unshakable
2. To be the wife/mom God created me to be
3. Have healthy relationships with my loved ones (meaning no hard feelings, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, just pure honesty and love)
4. A healthy lifestyle (What I eat, amount of exercise, what I let come into my mind and out of my mouth)
5. That my priorities would be in line with God's word and that I'd be a blessing to someone each day


Me Addison And Our Boys said...

This is a great post! I agree with you on all 5! Very well said.

Brit said...

i need to make the effort to focus on at least ONE thing a day. you are so good. thanks for the inspiration!

Miss said...

I love your heart...and I LOVE your desires...pretty sure they are mine too =)