Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun update

We are home owners! We had our closing yesterday. It went smooth like butter & we are so excited!

We went to the house afterwards so Richie could mow the lawn. Phili was beyond excited to have a yard to run around. He put his hands over his mouth and screamed out of pure excitement. Richie looked at him and said, "This is all for you buddy!" awww so cute.

Enjoy this weather! Something about this time a year makes me so incredibly happy. I'd say I'm pretty happy throughout the year anyways but I love seeing other people outside enjoying life. Bonfires, ball games, bike rides, people being together as a family. Love it. Life is good.


Randi said...

ya! haha smooth like butter. you are funny. i am happy it all went well! now you can focus on Mexico!! (so jealous!)

Erin C said...

congratulations home owner!

Barbara said...

I can hardly wait to come again and see the inside next time!

Miss said...

YEAH!! I miss you so much. I know we dont asee eachother much, but I REALLY miss youy...

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

so excited for you. can't wait to see it. post some pictures if you have time.

celene said...

Congrats! So glad you have a place to call "home" now. Love your post on the family time together. I agree! You're always have such a sweet, positive outlook!