Monday, December 7, 2009

3rd Trimester!

I am finally into 3rd trimester. It feels good. I made my dad take belly shots of me and I kept handing the camera back to him and telling him to retake them because I looked too big. He said, "'re pregnant!" I know, I know, but I don't think I"ll ever get used to looking at pictures of myself big and pregnant. I need to get over it! I am somewhere between 27 and 28 weeks. All of my measurements and ultrasounds put him at 28 weeks so I like to go with that :) Sorry the picture is hard to see with the lighting.


Rachel said...

You don't look big at all!! you look great and tiny!

Miss said...

I think you look even smaller than you did at 25 weeks! =)

Randi said...

you dont look big at all!

wow! 3rd trimester already! how exciting

Mel said...

You look darling Mary as excited for you guys! He will be here before you know it!

Brit said...

you are NOT big at all! cute as always :)

Barbara said...

You were adorable on Saturday!!! I miss you very much. I think it is so sweet you had your dad take pictures of you! I love him too!

Me Addison And Our Boys said...

You look amazing of course. I used to do that to Ryan...make him re-take pictures until I thought the angle didn't make me look like a monster.